Wednesday, December 11, 2019

John 8:11 The lord is Both stern and kind. He is always both.

John 8:11
Elder Henry B. Eyring:
“If I could go back again [to the classroom], I would try to help my students see the stern justice of God and his mercy as twin evidences of his love... He is not exacting one place and forgiving another. He is always both because he loves us and knows what we must have to receive the gift he offers us.” (COVENANTS AND SACRIFICE; Elder Henry B. Eyring, 15 August 1995)

Spencer W. Kimball:
“His command to her was, ‘Go, and sin no more.’ He was directing the sinful woman to go her way, abandon her evil life, commit no more sin, transform her life. He was saying, Go, woman, and start your repentance; and he was indicating to her the beginning step—to abandon her transgressions” (The Miracle of Forgiveness, 165).