Monday, January 30, 2017

Acts 9:3 We don't need to see the Savior to believe in Him.

President Uchtdorf - "There are some who feel that unless they have an experience similar to Saul's or Joseph Smith's, they cannot believe. They stand at the waters of baptism but do not enter. They wait at the threshold of testimony but cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the truth. Instead of taking small steps of faith on the path of discipleship, they want some dramatic event to compel them to believe. They spend their days waiting on the road to Damascus."  (General Conference, "Waiting on the Road to Damascus". April 2011)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Acts 5:3. When we are dishonest something within us dies.

Acts 5:3 President Gordon B. Hinckley “In our time, those found in dishonesty do not die as did Ananias and Sapphira, but something within them dies. Conscience chokes, character withers, self-respect vanishes, integrity dies” (“We Believe in Being Honest,” Ensign, Oct. 1990, 4).

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Acts 3:6-7. Worthy Priesthood holders can stand in place of the Savior.

Peter did not ask the Lord to heal the cripple; he did not pray to God to pour out his grace and healing virtue upon the lame man. Instead-acting in the Lord’s name…– he himself commanded the miracle to occur. Peter was the Lord’s servant, his representative and agent; he stood in the place and stead of Christ, doing what the Master would have done if personally present.  (Bruce R McConkie DNTC, “Peter Heals Man Lame from Birth”.)